Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer is divided into five stages. Stages 0-2 are considered "early", stage 3 considered "advanced", and stage 4 "late". Staging categories are important for predicting future prognosis, and determine optimal treatment recommendations.

Stage 0 is DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ. Breast cancer arises from the cells that line the milk ducts. When the cancerous cells are still contained inside the duct, it is diagnosed as DCIS. This can only be determined by a pathologist doctor looking at the tissue under a microscope. In general, when the DCIS lesion is small, there is no need to suspect cancer spread outside the breast.

Stage 1 is invasive or infiltrating cancer. Here, the cancer cells have broken through the duct wall and are found outside the ducts as well. In this case, doctors need to determine whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Stage 1 breast cancer must be equal or smaller than 2 cm in its invasive component, AND have no spread to lymph nodes. Often, the tissue removed at surgery contain DCIS in addition to the invasive cancer. However, only the dimensions of the invasive cancer count. If the patient needs to have multiple surgeries and the invasive cancer is found at more than one operation, usually the dimensions are added together to arrive at the final size.

Stage 2 has two subcategories. In stage 2A, the invasive cancer can be 2 cm or less and has spread to axillary (armpit) lymph node(s), i.e. positive node(s). Also, the invasive cancer can be as large as 5 cm, but has not spread to lymph nodes, i.e. negative nodes. In stage 2B, the invasive cancer is between 2cm and up to 5 cm and has spread to nodes. Here, cancer may measure even larger than 5 cm if it has not spread to nodes.

Stage 3 includes invasive cancer larger than 5 cm that has spread to lymph nodes. Also, cancer of any size that heavily involves the axillary lymph nodes to the point that these nodes are bulky and stuck together or stuck to other structures in the axilla (armpit) are in this stage. Tumor spread to lymph nodes either above or below the clavicle bone, or to nodes underneath the sternum (breast bone), also falls into this category. Furthermore, if the cancer of any size is attached to the chest wall (pectoralis muscle and/or ribs), it qualifies as stage 3. Inflammatory cancer, where the skin of the breast is red and swollen, is classified in this stage, regardless of size.

Stage 4 is invasive cancer found outside the breast and axillary lymph nodes, or "metastatic" to distant sites. At this stage, it does not matter how large the primary cancer in the breast is. Nor does it matter whether axillary/clavicle/breast bone lymph nodes have cancer or not. The most common sites for metastasis for breast cancer are bone and liver, followed by lungs and brain. Standard testing include bone scan and CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. More recently, PET scan is often done to look for cancer spread. Sometimes, a brain MRI or CT is also useful.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Breast Enhancement Bras

The Push-Up bra, once called the padded bra is one of the most common breast enhancement product on the market designed to enhance your cleavage. It works by pushing up and out the breasts, combined with the padded inserts placed in the lower part of the cup of the bra, this give a fuller and visually a more enhanced size to the breasts. It not only has these very visual effects it also makes the wearer feel incredibly sexy and much more self confident.

Some more innovative push up bras use silicone or even water filled inserts in the cups to imitate the movement and look of natural larger breast. These are more expensive than the standard padded bra, but offer a much more improved look to your cleavage.

The fabulous thing about the push up bra, is the fact that as well as giving your bust line that fabulous bigger and fuller look, the bra also offers lots of support for your breasts, helping prevent many of the issues, that can be the effects of long term use of not having the proper supports for your breasts.

Rumor has it, that in 1943, yes 1943, Howard Hughes designed a type of push up bra for Jane Russell to wear in the Film the Outlaw.... In 1960 the wonderbra was first developed and it enjoyed small success, it wasn't until the 1990's when Wonderbra marketed itself with Eva Herzigona and the famous words "Hello Boys" that the push up bra achieved world renowned fame, and was taken to heart my women all across the world.

In a recent poll of 3,000 women the push up bra received 20% of the vote and came in at number one for the best fashion invention ever.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Estimate Your Chances Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women. However, men can also become prey to breast cancer but it is very rare in men. Knowing the risk factors can help you in preventing this cancer from developing and affecting your life.

Breast consists of many lobes divided into lobules which incorporate milk glands. Small ducts connecting with tiny glands make nipple. Even a small tissue in the breast can cause great problem and it can also affect nearby tissue also. Breast cancer generally arises from tissue forming milk ducts. Also the cancer commonly occurs in the left breast than right and also in outer upper quadrant.

Early detection of breast cancer can help in treating this disease. The following are the risk factors for breast cancer:

Heredity: Women are at risk for breast cancer on account of hereditary reasons.

Hormonal changes: Even change in hormones can be the reason behind breast cancer. Drugs and supplements containing higher amount of estrogen can however develop the chances of breast cancer in women.

Lifestyle: Women who are in the habit of smoking and taking alcohol frequently are at risk.

Overweight: Increased body weight of women can also increase the risk of cancer.

Age: Once you reach the age of more than 50 you have more chances of breast cancer in comparison of chances in the age of 20 to 25 years. Advancing age is greatly responsible for this disease and hence you are supposed to take great care of yourself in this age.

Reproductive history: Delay in giving birth to first child is also considered a risk factor in women for breast cancer.

The perfect way to keep yourself away from breast cancer is to know if you are at risk. Consult your doctor if you find any sort of change or pain in your breast. Maintain the schedule of regular healthy diet. Try to include more and more quantity of food full of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants such as cauliflower, broccoli and any type of citrus food. Healthy diet combined with regular exercise and positive can definitely lead to reduced chances of breast cancer risk in women.